I am called to teacher preparation because caring teachers are critical to students’ education and a good education empowers them to change their future.
Amy Corp, Ed.D. Associate Professor
- Faculty

In her years as an elementary teacher, Dr. Amy Corp realized the value of truly teaching children over just teaching lessons. When she arrived at ETAMU to earn her master's degree in curriculum and instruction, she found that the university's faculty shared the same devotion to preparing teachers to teach children.
Dr. Corp received her doctorate from Baylor University (2014) through a teaching fellowship. There, she utilized her experience teaching in challenging districts to help prepare student teachers in Waco to work with students who are often considered “tough to reach.” She was excited to accept a position at ETAMU to continue preparing future teachers.
She leads graduate courses in teaching and learning. In Fall 2024 she was awarded a faculty development leave. She used this time to explore how Texas public schools support newcomer students. She continues to research teaching strategies for students who are new to our state and learning English as older students.
A Conversation with Dr. Corp
What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending ETAMU?
ETAMU has a strong tradition of preparing teachers for Texas and beyond. Just ask around any district likely many of their teachers graduated from ETAMU.
Our faculty in the teacher preparation program really care about helping students become well-prepared teachers. We have several locations and work with many school districts, so you have choices. We also have a pathway for those who work in schools as educational aides that allows you to stay in your placement and complete your degree with certification.
What draws you to your discipline?
I am called to teacher preparation because caring teachers are critical to students’ education and a good education empowers them to change their future. I have taught elementary students in four states. All children, no matter their circumstances, deserve a good education. This means they need competent and prepared teachers who care. I love being part of the preparation and development of teachers across Texas and beyond.
What has been your favorite course to teach?
I enjoy teaching the graduate course in elementary mathematics because it focuses on the why and how of teaching math, which really encourages teachers to teach thinking and reasoning. My current favorite course to teach is the doctoral “Research of the Learner”. Students are in cohorts for the doctoral program and get to know each other well. This makes for a fun class with lots of interaction and deep thinking.
Tell us about a project you are currently working on or recently completed.
This spring (2025) I was awarded the Honors Faculty Challenge Grant and I am working to design an honors section of student teaching with a doctoral candidate, R. Whitley.
I am also partnering with Waxahachie independent school district to design a summer program for older newcomers in elementary school to learn English. And I currently am conducting a study this on the effectiveness of instruction on trauma-informed practices with student teachers.
Educational Background
- Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Baylor University, 2014
- M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University-Commerce(now East Texas A&M University), 2010
- B.S., Elementary Education, Kennesaw State University, 1996
- Associate of Biblical Studies, Moody Bible Institute, 1994
Research Interests
- Strategies for trauma-informed teaching
- Strategies for English language learners (newcomers age 8+)
- Curriculum literacy
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Innovations in online teacher preparation
Professional Organizations
- School Science and Mathematics Association
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Research Council of Mathematics Learning
Awards and Honors
- Honors Faculty Challenge Grant. Awarded Spring 2025.
- Faculty Development Leave to Study Support for Newcomer Students. Fall 2024
- School Science and Mathematics Association Board Member 2024-2027.
- Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award, School Science and Mathematics Association, 2019
- Distinguished Global Fellow, Texas A&M University-Commerce(now East Texas A&M University), 2017
Selected Publications
- Revelle, C. and Corp, A. (2024). ChatGPT: Teacher candidates’ dialogues for lesson planning. Yearbook Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers. Santa Fe, NM.
- McCrary, D. & Corp, A. (2023) Embedding Individual Teaching Strategies within the Standardized Lesson Plan, International Journal of Social Science and Business. Vol. 5, No. 11; November, 2023. pp 1-5. ISSN 2689-4998 (print), 2689-5013 (online)
- Corp, A. & Revelle, C. (2023) Facilitating Experimentation with AI: ChatGPT for Student Teachers, School Science and Mathematics Association proceedings.
- Corp, A. and Revelle, C. (2023). ChatGPT is here to stay: Using ChatGPT with student teachers for lesson planning. The Texas Forum of Teacher Education. Vol. 14.
- McCrary, D. & Corp A. (2023) Early Childhood Education Expansion at the Higher Education Level. International Journal of Social Science and Business, 7 (1) 1-5. ISSN: 2519-9161(Online), ISSN: 2519-9153(Print)
- Guthery, S. & Corp, A. (2021, Oct.). Playing Games: A lost art in schools. The Teacher Advocate IDK Blog. http://blog.kdp.org/2021/10/26/playing-games-a-lost-art-in-school/
- Corp, A. (2018) Purposeful Planning: How to be culturally responsive in mathematics. Texas Math Teacher 64 (2) 16-21.
- Corp, A. (2018) “Who's Big Mamma?” Building community in math class with stories. WOW Stories: Connections from the Classroom, 5 (4). Retrieved from http://wowlit.org/on-line-publications/stories/wow-stories-volume-v-issue-4/